Environment Policy: Template

What is an environment policy?

An Environment Policy highlights your company’s commitment to protecting the environment and minimising the risks of business operations. It should outline the company’s goals and practices for reducing its environmental impact. It may include details on how the company plans to reduce waste and emissions, conserve resources, and comply with environmental regulations. The policy should be specific and measurable, and it should be communicated to all employees and stakeholders. 

Why do you need one?

The goal of an environmental policy is to ensure that a company is taking an active role in protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices. It is important in today’s world to communicate this to all stakeholders, such as staff, suppliers, and customers. This will provide a clear framework for the business on environmental issues and on complying with legislation.. There are many other benefits of the policy such as reducing waste and conserving resources, which will save money on materials and disposal costs.  A good policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as the company grows and aims to become more and more sustainable.

What should you include?

  • Commitments 
  • Certifications
  • Strategies for reducing waste and conserving resources
  • Measures to prevent pollution such as proper disposal of hazardous materials and chemicals
  • Raising staff and customer awareness
  • Sustainable sourcing commitments
  • Other initiatives in place

Aim to keep it at around 1-2 pages. Here is a template of an environment policy that you can use:

Environment policy template

At [Company Name] we are committed to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices. We have created this environmental policy to facilitate our transition to a low-carbon facility and commit to improving our environmental systems currently in place. We aim to pursue a programme of continuous improvement of our environmental commitments and will conform to any relevant legislation and compliance requirements related to the environment.  Our commitments are in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


We have established the following targets to guide our efforts to reduce our environmental impact and promote sustainability:

Potential Targets

  • Achieve [Certification] by [Date]
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by [X%] by [Year]
  • Increase recycling rates to [X%] by [Year]
  • Reduce waste/water usage to [X%] by [Year]


We are committed to meeting the highest standards for sustainability and environmental performance. To help us on this journey, we are [Certification Name] certified. This ensures that [explain what certification achieves].

For example:

We are FSC certified which ensures that paper materials come from well-managed forests that preserve biological diversity and benefit the lives of local people and workers. 

Reducing emissions

We use renewable energy to power x% of our facilities, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and carbon footprint. We are measuring our scope 1 & 2 emissions and have [or will] set targets to reduce our emissions and carbon footprint. We have also implemented measures such as [energy-efficient practices in place]. 

We recognize that it is not always possible to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to zero, even with the most rigorous efforts to conserve resources and adopt sustainable practices. To mitigate our remaining emissions and support the transition to a low-carbon economy, we will [invest in renewable energy projects and other initiatives that offset our emissions].

Reducing waste

We separate waste and recycle materials wherever possible. We now recycle x% of our waste. Our products are also packaged in recyclable materials to ensure we minimise waste at the end of the value chain. Any waste that cannot be recycled is disposed of in line with national regulations. [Include any other waste management policies you have].

Chemical management

We recognize the potential harm that hazardous chemicals can cause to the environment and human health. We are aware of all the chemical ingredients intentionally added to the products and all residuals of high concern present in the products. There are policies in place for treating any hazardous or toxic waste or chemicals in a responsible way. Chemicals are properly and separately disposed of. Precautions are taken to ensure that employees are not harmed by hazardous substances or chemicals. 

Raising staff awareness of environmental issues

We have taken steps to ensure that staff are aware of all the environmental requirements expected of them. We encourage all employees to be mindful of their impact on the environment both in the workplace and at home.

Raising customer awareness of environmental issues

We ensure that we have the correct environmental labelling on products to indicate whether they are recyclable. [Include any other initiatives you have].

Sustainable Sourcing

We are committed to sourcing materials and services in a way that supports sustainability and minimises our environmental impact. To achieve this, we [have/will implement] a sustainable sourcing policy and partner with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.


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