Reducing Water Usage

Let’s be honest: print is not particularly sustainable. Our products use up a lot of water, create waste,  and cut down trees. This is the reality we must face. In the following document, we will explain how you can work to reduce your company’s water footprint, both in the short-term and long-term. 

Why do we need to reduce water usage?

Water scarcity is a growing concern all around the globe. As the climate crisis worsens, there are likely to be more restrictions on water for industrial use. When water is scarce, industries may have to pay higher prices for water or invest in expensive water treatment and transportation systems to secure a reliable water supply. It can also result in increased regulation of water use, making it more difficult for industries to comply with environmental regulations and standards. Industries may compete for limited water resources, leading to conflict and reduced cooperation among stakeholders.

What role does the print industry play in this?

Water usage in the printing industry can vary depending on the type of printing process and the type of ink used. It is primarily used for:

  1. Pre-press: Water is used to clean and prepare the printing plates, as well as for cleaning the printing presses.
  2. Ink preparation: In some printing processes, water is used to dilute the ink to the appropriate consistency.
  3. Cooling and cleaning: Water is used to cool the printing presses and to clean the printing equipment.
  4. Wastewater treatment: Printing processes can generate wastewater that contains chemicals and pollutants, which must be treated before being released into the environment.

Why do we need to monitor water usage?

Regularly monitoring and reporting water usage can help companies to identify areas where they can reduce their water footprint and improve water efficiency over time. Key reasons to monitor your water usage include: 

  1. Sustainability: Understanding the water footprint of a company's operations and products helps to identify areas where water use can be reduced, and resources managed more sustainably.
  2. Resource Management: Measuring water footprint helps industries to monitor and manage their water resources, reducing the risk of water scarcity and ensuring that they have a sustainable water supply for their operations.
  3. Cost Savings: By reducing water usage and improving water efficiency, companies can lower their operating costs, increase profitability, and improve their bottom line.
  4. Reputation and Brand Image: Companies that prioritise water sustainability and management can build a positive reputation and enhance their brand image, appealing to customers who are increasingly conscious of environmental issues.
  5. Compliance with Regulations: Measuring water footprint is also important for compliance with water-related regulations and guidelines, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

What is a water footprint?

A water footprint is a way to measure how much water is used to produce the things we use and consume. It is not just direct water usage to make the product, but all the water used across its entire lifecycle. For example, a flyer’s footprint would include all the water that was used to grow the tree the paper was made from, as well as the water used to process and manufacture it. The water footprint helps to identify the sources and amounts of water used in various production processes and can be used to support sustainable water management practices. 

How can I reduce my water footprint?

Here are some ways to save water in the printing industry:

  1. Digital Printing: Digital printing requires less water compared to traditional offset printing, as it eliminates the need for plate preparation and cleaning.
  2. Water Recycling: Implementing closed-loop systems for water recycling and reuse can significantly reduce the amount of freshwater used in the printing process.
  3. Water-Based Inks: Using water-based inks instead of solvent-based inks can reduce water consumption, as well as minimise the release of harmful chemicals into the environment.
  4. Efficient Equipment: Using water-efficient printing equipment and technologies, such as automatic wash-up systems, can reduce the amount of water used for cleaning and maintenance.
  5. Wastewater Treatment: Implementing effective wastewater treatment systems, such as filtration, sedimentation, and oxidation, can help to minimise the impact of printing on the environment by removing pollutants and contaminants from the waste water.
  6. Employee Training: Educating employees on the importance of water conservation and efficient water usage can lead to a culture of water stewardship, reducing water usage and waste.

How can this benefit my business?

There are many benefits from improving water efficiency. For example:

  • Investing in water-efficient technologies and processes can reduce water usage and costs, while improving production and profitability.
  • Implementing sustainable water management practices, such as water recycling and conservation, can reduce your business's water footprint and improve sustainability.
  • Encouraging employees to adopt water-saving habits, such as turning off taps when not in use, can help to reduce water usage and save money.
  • Innovating products and services that are more sustainable and reduce water usage can increase your business's competitiveness and appeal to environmentally conscious customers.
  • Regularly monitoring and reporting water usage can help you to identify areas where you can reduce your water footprint and improve water efficiency.

By adopting these strategies, you can grow your business while reducing its water footprint, improving sustainability, and reducing the risk of water-related impacts on your operations and the environment.