Printing + Biodiversity

Biodiversity refers to the variety of living things on Earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. It is a very useful way to understand humans' impact on the environment. Biodiversity helps maintain the balance of nature and the ecosystem services that support us.

Printing companies can have a large impact on biodiversity. On a positive side, purchasing sustainably certified materials can help maintain biodiversity. For example, buying FSC/PEFC certified paper can help to ensure that trees are replanted and ecosystems protected. Other examples such as using recycled paper and other materials can reduce the pressure on the natural resources. 

On a more negative side, the production and disposal of waste can have harmful environmental impacts, including pollution and habitat destruction. There are also issues related to the printing methods used that can release harmful chemicals and waste. It is important that we take steps to protect biodiversity. 

How can my company take action?

A good starting point is improving waste management practices. It is important to make sure that there is a waste management policy in place that includes proper recycling programs and actions to reduce waste where possible. 

The best way to take action is to assess your current practices and identify areas where improvements can be made. What is the impact of your actions on and around the site where you operate? How do your business practices contribute to this? Where can changes be made to reduce this impact? If you want to go a step further, you can complete life cycle assessments of some of your products to understand the full environmental impact of them.

Another key way to take action is to use more sustainable materials, and engage stakeholders such as suppliers, customers, and the wider community to help raise awareness and drive change.

Which certifications address the protection of biodiversity?

There are several certifications that address the protection of biodiversity, here we describe the most common ones:

  • Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): This certification promotes responsible forest management, including the protection of biodiversity, and ensures that products made from wood, paper, and other forest-based materials are sustainably sourced.
  • Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC): PEFC provides a certification system for sustainably managed forests, and promotes the conservation of biodiversity through responsible forest management practices.
  • Rainforest Alliance Certified: This certification supports sustainable agriculture and forestry practices, including the protection of biodiversity, and helps companies source materials in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • European Ecolabel: This certification program sets environmental standards for a wide range of products and services, including paper and printing, and considers factors such as the protection of biodiversity and the responsible use of natural resources.

These certifications provide a means for companies in the printing industry to demonstrate their commitment to the protection of biodiversity and to source materials in a sustainable manner. They also provide assurance to customers that the products they purchase have been produced in an environmentally responsible manner.

Integrating biodiversity into a company’s management systems not only benefits wildlife, but can help to develop the business itself. Not only do markets exist for environmentally friendly printers, but there are also potential cost savings associated with managing environmental risks. In the current changing regulatory context, companies are recommended to provide enhanced disclosure on their exposure to nature-related risks and opportunities, as well as their contributions to the protection and restoration of nature. We aim to encourage all our partners to play a greater role in protecting and restoring nature and to support the transition to a more sustainable and resilient future.